Datapocalypse is Coming

It’s a corollary that when I have more time, e. g. between semesters, and can spend time on the blog, my readership dwindles to my most hardy readers. So for you another post, via slashdot. It’s time to raise concern about the coming datapocalypse. There’s going to be a bag of hurt for many people as the economy takes down their favorite site. On a related note, JPEG magazine‘s parent company, 8020 media, is shutting its doors. 

It’s a corollary that when I have more time, e. g. between semesters, and can spend time on the blog, my readership dwindles to my most hardy readers. So for you another post, via slashdot. It’s time to raise concern about the coming datapocalypse. There’s going to be a bag of hurt for many people as the economy takes down their favorite site. On a related note, JPEG magazine‘s parent company, 8020 media, is shutting its doors. 

1 thought on “Datapocalypse is Coming”

  1. something i worry about on a regular basis

    This is actually something i worry about on a regular basis which is why i make use of my personal blog, bookmarks and Archinect among other forms of redundancy. I try and create multiple copies of my online self. However, the point remains in a big enough event, I would be f***ed! What to do? Download as a digital copy all to my hard-drive. Any suggestions.


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